Monday, March 25, 2019

Finding your life purpose. Searching life partner.Video BMIND TSK

Finding your life purpose. Searching life partner.Video BMIND TSK

Finding your purpose in life?

Why searching whole life? Life partner, happiness,BMIND TSK.

 This is an eye-opening video with a surprise. Must watch till the end.  please subscribe to the channel for more videos.

Tejinder sir

Motivational life coach

Body Mind Healing Centre Haridwar

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Sudarshan kriya. Benefits. Video BMIND TSK

Sudarshan kriya. Benefits. Video BMIND TSK

Sudarshan Kriya is a Science of breathing in rhythm.  Very effective for body health, mind fitness. We teach in the art of living Happiness workshop.

Tejinder Sir
Motivation life coach

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Guided meditation students benefits. Meditation positive energy.Video BMIND TSK

Guided meditation students benefits. Meditation positive energy.Video BMIND TSK

Before exams students face a lot of pressure and stress. This 10 minutes guided meditation for students is the best meditation. If you are interested in how to improve focus and enhance memory power in students this is the only best-guided mindfulness meditation. This is a short guided meditation giving practical tips for the beginner's meditation sessions.

At our center we are daily doing and teaching this powerful meditation.
Tejinder Sir,
MotivationLife coach
Body-mind healing center