Saturday, September 26, 2020

Life Healing.Sleep Hypnosis.रात्री ध्यान।योग निद्राGuided Meditation for deep sleep. Bmind Tsk

Life Healing.Sleep Hypnosis.रात्री ध्यान।योग निद्राGuided Meditation for deep sleep. Bmind Tsk

Sleep Hypnosis for deep sleep.

 यह विधि अनेक लोगों पर प्रयोग करने के बाद सब लोगों के बेनिफिट के लिए अपलोड कर रहे हैं उम्मीद है इस से आप  पूरा लाभ ले सकेंगे।

अपना अनुभव विडियो मे जरूर दीजिए.This is the best process for  sleeping problems insomnia anxiety stress

and slowly depression is also cured.For any help you are free to contact us.

Video Link--

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

मधुर बांसुरी धुन|Relaxing Flute Music Krishna Flute music. Sleep.Meditation Music.Yoga.Bmind Tsk

मधुर बांसुरी धुन|Relaxing Flute Music Krishna Flute music. Sleep.Meditation Music.Yoga.Bmind Tsk

The Evening is the time to relax, to be with own feelings . This flute music is the most ambient music and you will like it .Please like , share and subscribe to the channel if not completed so far

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Relaxing Flute Music .Krishna Flute music.Flute music Indian. sleep.Meditation.Yoga.Bmind Tsk

Relaxing Flute Music .Krishna Flute music.Flute music Indian. sleep.Meditation.Yoga.Bmind Tsk

Friends, I personally feel going deep into my feelings and emotions with bansuri Dhun.  There seems to a direct connection to Soul moving through the blissful feelings of NATURE. Please do share your views so that we may give better videos. Also, subscribe to the channel if not done earlier.

Friday, September 11, 2020

Flute Music Morning.Best Relaxing.Flute music Krishna.Deep sleep.Meditation. Yoga music.Bmind Tsk

Flute Music Morning.Best Relaxing.Flute music Krishna.Deep sleep.Meditation. Yoga music.Bmind Tsk

Friends feel relaxed in the morning while enjoying the beautiful Romantic heart touch Indian flute Music.

 Enjoy Natural beauty and this soft, calming flute.

This is Lord Krishna flute music. Many call it Krishna flute song touching the soul.

   If you like the video please share to friends and Subscribe the channel

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Life Challenge.Awesome Buddha Quotes on Love.Powerful Buddha Quotes.Motivational.Buddhism.Bmind Tsk

Life Challenge.Awesome Buddha Quotes on Love.Powerful Buddha Quotes.Motivational.Buddhism.Bmind Tsk

Great powerful Buddha Quotes on LOVE.

Love is when you sit beside someone doing nothing, yet you feel perfectly happy.

Please watch till the end You will like the clarity of Life and Love.

Saturday, September 5, 2020

मधुर बांसुरी धुन| Krishna Flute Music |RELAXING MUSIC Meditation Music.Deep Sleep Bmind Tsk

मधुर बांसुरी धुन| Krishna Flute Music |RELAXING MUSIC Meditation Music.Deep Sleep Bmind Tsk

©दिल छु लेगी
जी की मधुर बांसुरी धुन .
is the best
morning  flute  music. This is Lord Krishna top class  flute music. Many call it Krishna flute song
touching the soul.
Enjoy the natural beauty and heartful flute music. If you
like the video please share and subscribe to the channel.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

मौन में अनहद नाद ॐ ANHAD NAAD.Om chanting.Relaxing.Meditation Music, Sleep, Healing, Bmind Tsk

मौन में अनहद नाद ॐ ANHAD NAAD.Om chanting.Relaxing.Meditation Music, Sleep, Healing, Bmind Tsk

मौन में अनहद नाद .ANHAD NAAD. Om chanting.Relaxing. Meditation music, sleep, Healing, Bmind Tsk
नाद एक ऐसा संगीत है जो सदा से ही बज रहा है और बजता रहेगा. यह अद्धभुत संगीत हमें जीवन में बहुत कुछ दे सकता है.
अनहद नाद - एक ऐसा ध्यान जो आपको सभी कष्टों से निजाद दिला सका है । हमारे भारत के प्राचीन ऋषि मुनियो ने सेंकडो वर्षो तक इसी ध्यान विधि का उपयोग किया और अपना जीवन सफल बनाया |