Thursday, July 30, 2020

OM MEDITATION |OM| वैदिक मंत्र ॐ ओम्108 TIMES|10 Minutes|OM MANTRA MEDITATION MUSIC Bmind Tsk

OM MEDITATION |OM| वैदिक मंत्र ॐ ओम्108 TIMES|10 Minutes|OM MANTRA MEDITATION MUSIC Bmind Tsk

मंत्र ही
नहीं आत्मा का संगीत
है अन्यथा
तो यह ॐ ही है। अब आप ही सोचे इसे कैसे उच्चारित करें
? ओम का यह
'' अद्भुत
है। यह संपूर्ण ब्रह्मांड का प्रतीक है। बहुत-सी आकाश गंगाएँ इसी तरह फैली हुई है।
इससे शरीर और मन को एकाग्र करने में मदद मिलेगी। दिल की धड़कन
और रक्तसंचार व्यवस्थित होगा। इससे मानसिक बीमारियाँ दूर होती हैं। काम करने की
शक्ति बढ़ जाती है। इसका उच्चारण करने वाला और इसे सुनने वाला दोनों को शांति और
शक्ति प्राप्त होती है
|पावरफुल मंत्र ॐ रोज़ ध्यान से सुने और
जाप करे

गुरुवार के दिन भगवान विष्णु का स्मरण कर 'ॐ नमो
भगवते वासुदेवाय
' मंत्र का जाप करना फलदायी रहता है.
शास्त्रों के अनुसार भगवान विष्णु जगत का पालन करने वाले देवता हैं. उनका स्वरूप
शांत और आनंदमयी है. श्रीहरि विष्‍णु के विविध मंत्र हैं जिनका जाप कर धन-वैभव एवं
संपन्नता में वृद्धि की जा सकती है.
om is considered to be one of the most important musical
sound in all the universe and has been chanted for thousands of years. It’s
believed continuous practice leads to profound enlightenment. But there are
more than just a few benefits to this powerful, ancient practice…there are many
that affect us and our environment in different ways. Chanting of the Om Mantra
purifies the environment around you and creates positive vibrations. Your
concentration increases when you chant this universal hymn. Om chanting gives
you better immunity and self-healing power. It improves your concentration and
helps you focus. The Om chanting produces a vibration and sound which is felt
through your vocal cords and sinuses. The vibrations open up the sinuses to clear
the airways. It can place you in a meditational state which gives you deep
relaxation. The Om not only benefits the person who is chanting it but also to
the people around them, wherever its vibrations flow. The Om Mantra has
cardiovascular benefits – by relaxing our mind and body, our blood pressure
will decrease and our heart will beat with regular rhythm. Om chanting actually
improves your voice by giving strength to your vocal cords and the muscles
around it. This is very helpful during old age. It is said that rubbing your
hands together while om chanting and putting those charged hands on different
parts of body heals or activates those body parts. Through chanting and
meditation, you can have better control over your emotions, thus allowing you
to see situations with a clear and rational mind. Regular chanting of this
Mantra will take you on a spiritual journey to greater happiness and
positivity, but only if it is done daily for a longer period of time. Mantras
are not an overnight fix to your problems – you must have patience and learn
the correct techniques.
Repeating OM Chants 108 times can be Magical for Body and
Soul. 108 has long been considered a sacred number in Hinduism and Yoga.
Significance of Number 108
Malas, or garlands of prayer beads, come as a string of 108 beads (plus one for
the “guru bead,” around which the other 108 beads turn like the planets around
the sun) Renowned mathematicians of Vedic culture viewed 108 as a number of the
wholeness of existence. This number also connects the Sun, Moon, and Earth: The
average distance of the Sun and the Moon to Earth is 108 times their respective
diameters. Such phenomena have given rise to many examples of ritual
significance. The chakras are the intersections of energy lines, and there are
said to be a total of 108 energy lines converging to form the heart chakra. One
of them, sushumna leads to the crown chakra, and is said to be the path to
Self-realization. So anything if repeated 108 times, has a transformational
effect. Thats the law of nature. Its like magic.
Chanting and its vibrations when repeated for 108, becomes significantly more
powerful, and can help open the Crown Chakra and thus your path to

Tejinder sir often says Om chanting brings peace of mind
and takes away negative energy from home. 
This video fro bmind tsk is of musical background om chanting and
affects immediately . 108 times om chanting is the best but we can do different
also but the main important aspect is doing with faith and full heart.
 Om Chanting |
Meditation Music | Sleep Music | Yoga Music | Meditation Music Relax Mind Body
| Om Meditation Om (Aum) when chanted properly is attributed with peace,
tranquility, meditation, bliss, nirvana, eternal realization, soul, purity, mental
stability, concentration, sound health, longevity, leverages the current phase
of goodness, brings holiness and all those virtues that every human being
yearns for.

Monday, July 27, 2020

Most beautiful Sri Krishna Flute music Relaxing. sleep .Meditation.Stress Tsk

Most beautiful Sri Krishna Flute music Relaxing. sleep .Meditation.Stress Tsk

Most beautiful Lord Krishna flute music.Relaxing music your Bodymind and SOUL. Please do watch this video. Enjoy music with natural beauty. and feel relaxed with in-depth feelings of Subtitles on music. Hopefully, you will like it. We shall be waiting for your comments, views and suggestions. Be happy always staying inspired.

Please subscribe to the channel if not done so far.

Friday, July 24, 2020

कुछ सच्ची बातें मन की| Inspiring,heart touching and motivational quotes Hindi।Bmind Tsk

कुछ सच्ची बातें मन की| Inspiring,heart touching and motivational quotes Hindi।Bmind Tsk

शांति और उफान समुद्र से सीख़ें

Monday, July 20, 2020

कुछ सच्ची बातें मन की| Best Motivational heart touching Inspiring, quotes in hindi।Bmind Tsk

कुछ सच्ची बातें मन की| Best Motivational heart touching Inspiring, quotes in hindi।Bmind Tsk

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Mother's Unconditional Love.Thomas Edison Biography In Hindi. Motivation story.Bmind Tsk

Mother's Unconditional Love.Thomas Edison Biography In Hindi. Motivation story.Bmind Tsk

All parents must see this 4-minute video.

This is a motivational story video of great scientist Alva Thomas Edison and his loving great mother. This is a real story taken from his biography in Hindi.  Alva Edison was mentally weak and was dropped from school.  His mother taught him at home, he did not go to school afterwards. With Mothers unconditional love, dedication and great efforts, he became a  big scientist.

Monday, July 13, 2020

Inspirational Quotes About Life.Buddha quotes positivity in Life.Motivation.Bmind Tsk

Inspirational Quotes About Life.Buddha quotes positivity in Life.Motivation.Bmind Tsk


For a happy and positive living , Buddha ji life quotes on positivity
are very essential to learn and  study by
everyone. Therefore Tejinder sir strongly advises this video of inspiring
quotes are full of motivation and positive feelings and must watch  and take Buddha ji blessings for bringing positivity
 and happiness in their lives.

It’s true that life can be tough and difficult. It can be
extremely difficult to maintain a positive attitude and remain optimistic when
the going gets tough... But, a few wise words can do wonders to your overall
well-being. Inspirational sayings can change the way you perceive this world we
live in, and help you enjoy life to the fullest. Positive quotes about life
have the power to help you see the cup as half full, instead of half empty!

Ignorance is 
darkness  while knowledge
represents Light.
मेरे जीवन मे अंधेरा हे या परकश यह video आप को अछे से गाइड कर सकती हे|  Tejinder sir is
quite confident in saying that each and every inspiring quote is full of
vibrant feelings, motivating energy and will bring positive changes in life.
This is a motivation video carrying successful quotes bringing  changes in your life, improving attitude, and
creating positivity in  your life and in
your world around. Gautama Buddha ji was an enlightened being  , His teachings are practical, inspiring and
motivating and always inspire for more positive attitude , better motivation
and happiness all around .

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Lord Krishna flute music.Relaxing music.Krishna Theme. Yoga, Meditation music.Bmind Tsk

Lord Krishna flute music.Relaxing music.Krishna Theme. Yoga, Meditation music.Bmind Tsk

Krishna best relaxing Flute Music.mp4
    You can experience the fastest relaxation in just 5 minutes with this music. Just listen with closed eyes and your mind attains peace. That's why we call it heart touching flute music and mind peace music. This is the best instrumental music being played in the background. This is Lord Krishna top flute music. This is the most relaxing meditation music relieving all tension and anxiety. Many call it Krishna flute song touching the soul.
You tube Video link
Krishna best relaxing Flute Music.mp4

Saturday, July 4, 2020

A FATHER AND A SON | Finding happiness in life.Motivational story in Hindi.Bmind Tsk


A SON | Finding happiness in life.Motivational story in Hindi.Bmind Tsk

People tend to move in the same direction as they always have unless some external force is applied. Thoughts are immensely powerful in giving new directions to our struggling life. If we are finding happiness, the struggle is the only way.