Sunday, August 30, 2020

3Stage Pranayam Counts in English.Sudarshan kriya. Pranayam art of living. Bhastrika. Bmind Tsk

3Stage Pranayam Counts in English.Sudarshan kriya. Pranayam art of living. Bhastrika. Bmind Tsk

• Sudarshan Kriya purifies the Soul,

         cleanses the MIND and energizes the body.

•If learnt continue practising,

          If not, take time to learn.

•Life is beautiful, Why not Live happily.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

BEST MOTIVATIONAL VIDEO कुछ सच्ची बातें। Inspirational Motivational Speech Hindi.Bmind Tsk


। Inspirational Motivational Speech Hindi.Bmind Tsk 

शब्दों का भी तापमान होता है

जानिए इस विडियो में ?

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Sudarshan Kriya ,Art of Living, Unique Breathing ,yoga,जानें अद्भुत फायदे|Video Bmind Tsk

Sudarshan Kriya ,Art of Living, Unique Breathing ,yoga,जानें अद्भुत फायदे|Video Bmind Tsk

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Krishna Flute Meditation Music.RELAXING MUSIC for Positive Energy .Spa,yoga,Video Bmind Tsk

Krishna Flute Meditation Music.RELAXING MUSIC for Positive Energy .Spa,yoga,Video Bmind Tsk

The flute is one of the best music touching the soul with enormous positive energy. It is my favourite. Requesting please listen with closed eyes and feel the vibrant Krishna energy. May God bless you.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Why Good People Suffer the Most?Lord Krishna. Motivation video. Shrimad Bhagavad Gita. Bmind Tsk

Why Good People Suffer the Most?Lord Krishna. Motivation video. Shrimad Bhagavad Gita. Bmind Tsk

Have you ever thought about why only
good people suffer? You will find the answer in this video in the end.
Be happy always .Stay inspired.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Krishna karma points in Hindi.कृष्ण कर्म योग।Krishna Gita Updesh .Motivation video Hindi..BmindTsk

Krishna karma points in Hindi.कृष्ण कर्म योग।Krishna Gita Updesh .Motivation video Hindi..BmindTsk

कर्म एक ऐसा रैस्टौरेंट है जहां पर कोई ऑर्डर नहीं देता। यहाँ पर वही परोसा जाता है जो हम ने बनाया है या फिर जो हम ने पकाया है।

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Lord krishna flute music |श्री कृष्ण | Janam ashtami | Krisna RELAXING MUSIC .Spa,yoga,Bmind Tsk

Lord krishna flute music |श्री कृष्ण | Janam ashtami | Krisna RELAXING MUSIC .Spa,yoga,Bmind Tsk

कृष्ण जनमाष्टमी की
is the best instrumental flute  music
being played in the background. This is Lord Krishna top flute music. Many call
it Krishna flute song touching the soul.
is the most relaxing meditation music relieving all tension and anxiety.
Tejinder sir says you can experience the fastest relaxation in just 5 minutes
with this music. Just listen with closed eyes and your mind attains peace.
That"s why we call it heart touching flute music and mind peace music.
§ Enjoy
the natural beauty and heartful flute music. If you like the video please share
and subscribe the channel.

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Buddha quotes on life . Awesome Buddha quotes On life in English. Best Buddha Quotes.Bmind Tsk.

Buddha quotes on life . Awesome Buddha quotes On life in English. Best Buddha Quotes.Bmind Tsk.

Peace of Mind & Happiness
Buddhism pursues happiness by using knowledge and practice to achieve mental equanimity. So by achieving a mental state where you can detach from all the passions, needs and wants of life, you free yourself and achieve a state of transcendent bliss and well-being. In this process of living I found great knowledge of Buddha quotes very very useful and mind changing.

Monday, August 3, 2020

सही निर्णय कैसे लें ?Best Motivational Video In Hindi.Motivational Speech in Hindi.Bmind Tsk

सही निर्णय कैसे लें ?Best Motivational Video In Hindi.Motivational Speech in Hindi.Bmind Tsk